Panchakshri Shivacharya Trust’s

Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur-413512 (Maharashtra) Tel./Fax :- (02382) 243855

DTE Code :- 2253, University Code :- 947, MSBTE Code :- 2041

Approved by:- Govt. of Maharashtra, PCI, New Delhi, Affiliated to:- S.R.T.M. University, Nanded, MSBTE, Mumbai.


 Statutory Cells /Committees

SC/ST, OBC and Minority Committee

The Scheduled Caste (SC) /Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Caste (OBC) and Minority Committee in an institute promotes the special interests of students in the reserved category. It is expected to provide special inputs in areas where the students experience difficulties. These communities have been identified as the most backward groups of Indian society, which have been declared by the constitution of India under the provisions of article 340, 341 and 342 of the constitution of India. The aim of the committee is to assist the students who belong to SC/ST/OBC and Minority Category, for supporting academic performance and financial benefits from the government, following Committee is constituted.

The SC/ST/OBC/Minority Committee of the College comprises of the following members:

Sr. No.Name and Designation of committee memberRole
01Dr. Vijayendra Swamy S. M. PrincipalChairman
02Mrs. Khadkutkar V.K.Assistant Professor,Representative of Scheduled CasteMember
03Ms. Zingade S.G.Assistant Professor,Representative of Other Backward CasteMember
04Dr. Shaikh N.S.Associate Professor,Representative of Minority Member
05Mr. Vibhute S.S.Representative of Non-Teaching StaffMember

SC ST, OBC and Minority Committee Constitution (Last 5 year)

SC ST, OBC and Minority Committee MoM & ATR (Last 5 Year)

SC /ST, OBC and Minority Committee

SC /ST, OBC and Minority Committee MoM & ATR

Grievance Redressal Committee

In accordance to the provision of All India Council for Technical Education (Establishment of Mechanism for Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012 and according to UGC grievance redressal regulations following Grievance Redressal Committee is constituted. The committee functions under the supervision of Principal chiefly to resolve grievances of the student, staff and parents within the prescribed framework.  

The Grievance Redressal Committee of the College comprises of the following members:

Sr. No.Name of the MemberDesignation Mobile No.
1.       Dr. Vijayendra Swamy S. M.Chairman9586860909
2.       Dr. Nagoba Shivappa NarsingMember9637908901
3.       Dr. Giram Padmaja SidramMember9881071575
4.       Mr. Vibhute Shivhar ShivrupMember7588877200
5.       Ms. Pawar Sangita KakasahebMember9518308447
6.       Mr. Bhure Ritesh SomnathStudent Representative8080722453
7.       Ms. Shaikh Tslim IsmailStudent Representative9607629736
8.       Mr. Jadhav Prathmesh VijayStudent Representative7517740328

Grievance Redressal Committee MoM & ATR (Last 5 year)

Grievance Redressal Committee (Last 5 Year)

Grievance Redressal Committee

Grievance Redressal Committee MoM & ATR

Internal Complaint Committee/Gender Sensitization Cell and Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment

In pursuance of UGC (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015 read with Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 an Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)/Gender Sensitization Cell (GSC) and Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment is constituted to deal with the issues of sexual and gender based harassement and to conduct gender sensitization programme.

The ICC of the College comprises of the following members:

Sr. No.Name of Committee MemberDesignationMobile No.
1.Dr. Vijayendra Swamy S.M.Chairman9586860909
2. Dr. Giram Padmaja SidramPresiding Officer9881071575
3.Ms. Zingade Sarika GunderaoMember Secretary9850351853
4.Ms. Bolegave Sunita ShankarN. G. O. Member9860366853
5.Mr. Hindole Sunil SadashivMember (Teaching Staff)9922524886
6.Ms. Digole Deepa ShivrajMember (Non-Teaching Staff)8655410739
7.Ms. Janhavi Nagnath Balshetwar       Student Representative8830233976
8.Mr. Mane Anant MadhavStudent Representative9022663485
9.Ms. Tembhare Sapna YogirajStudent Representative9022234504

Internal Complaint Committee Gender Sensitization Cell and Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment (Last 5 year)

Internal Complaint Committee Gender Sensitization Cell and Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment MoM & ATR (Last 5 Year )

Internal Complaint Committee / Gender Sensitization Cell and Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment

Internal Complaint Committee/Gender Sensitization Cell and Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment MoM & ATR

Anti-Ragging Committee

In accordance with regulation issued by All India Council for Technical Education F.No.37- 3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated 01-07-2009 and as per the instructions of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and subsequent University Grants Commission (UGC) regulations (No. F.1-16/2009 (CPP-II) dated 17/06/2009) on Curbing the Menace of ragging in Higher Educational Institution, college has constituted the Anti-Ragging committee and Anti-Ragging Squad to prohibit and prevent any incidence of ragging in or outside the college campus..   

The Anti-Ragging committee of the College comprises of the following members:

Sr. No.Name of the Committee MemberDesignationMobile No.
01Dr. Vijayendra Swamy S.M.Chairman9586860909
02Dr. Nagoba Shivappa NarsingMember9637908901
03Dr. Moholkar Aparark VinayakraoMember8087403205
04Dr. Giram Padmaja SidramMember9881071575
05Mr. Vibhute Shivhar ShivrupMember7588877200
06Ms. Swami Shweta PrabhuMember9637927205
07Mr. Zanwar Varad KailashchandStudent Representative8767239002
08Ms. Kakade Sneha ChandrakantStudent Representative9322317894
09Ms. Biradar Rukshila SatishStudent Representative9000481174
10Mr. Zanwar Kailashchand SitaramjiParent Representative9822225293

Anti-Ragging Squad

Sr. No.Name of the Committee MemberDesignationMobile No.
1.       Dr. Vijayendra Swamy S.M.Chairman9586860909
2.       Dr. Nagoba Shivappa NarsingMember9637908901
3.       Dr. Giram Padmaja SidramMember9881071575
4.       Mr. Vibhute Shivhar ShivrupMember7588877200
5.       Ms. Swami Shweta PrabhuMember9637927205

Anti-Ragging Committee MoM & ATR (Last 5 Year)

Anti- Ragging Committee (Last 5 Year)

Anti- Ragging Committee 

Anti-Ragging Committee MoM & ATR

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