Mechanism of internal/external assessment is transparent, and the grievance redressal system is time-bound and efficient
❖ Mechanism of internal/external assessment
- Internal assessment: Student performance was evaluated based on their performance in various academic activities, such as sessional examinations, assignments, class tests, quizzes, group or individual projects, presentations, and class participation throughout the course. The criterion adopted for the internal assessment of students is as directed by the SRTM University, Nanded, and PCI, New Delhi.
- Student performance is continuously monitored and recorded by the subject Incharge and reported to the respective mentor. Twice a semester, the mentor held an internal meeting with the mentee and reported to the course coordinator. Then, parents are informed about each student’s performance via digital media, and required action is taken to support student performance. In accordance with the schedule provided by the academic in charge or higher authorities of the institution, the college also has parent- student meetings once per semester.
- Every experiment involves evaluating the students’ day-to-day performance, which includes regularity, performance, viva, and promptness in submitting the record. The marks/grade received by the student for each experiment in a lab course is noted in the observation or record. For the quality of the projects, the evaluation is done by the Project Review Committee along with the project guides.
- The end-of-semester lab and project exams will be graded by an outside examiner chosen from the other colleges in accordance with university policy. All the examinations were conducted under the surveillance of CCTV cameras and continuously monitored by the exam in-charge, academic Incharge, and principal.
- External assessment: The external assessment mechanisms, such as university examination records, research paper publication or presentation, and participation in career-oriented courses, are used to evaluate and track the performance of the students.
❖ Students Grievance Redressal System Mechanism:
- Faculty continuously evaluates students based on theoretical lectures, labs, assignments, unit tests, and marks are assigned based on defined University and PCI methodologies and shown on the notice board. If any queries, students should submit grievances through the prescribed format to Exam Incharge or head of the department. The exam Incharge or head of the department conveys and discusses the student grievance with the respective faculty member without disclosing the student’s name and action taken on the grievance convey to students.
- The grievances during the conduction of online/theory examinations are considered (via telephonic) and discussed in consultation with the principal and if necessary, forwarded to the university by examination section. The queries related to results, corrections in mark sheets, and other certificates issued by the university are handled at SRTMU Nanded examination section after forwarding such queries through the college examination section.
- Students are allowed to apply for revaluation, recounting, and challenge evaluation by paying necessary processing fees to the university if they are not satisfied with the university evaluation through college. If the re-counting/re-evaluation results are not satisfactory, a student can apply for challenge evaluation within a week after the announcement of the revaluation results. The evaluation process is carried out by two subject experts. The entire process is maintained transparent and time-bound by the university.
- Mechanism of internal/external assessment & Students Grievance Redressal System Mechanism