Panchakshri Shivacharya Trust’s

Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur-413512 (Maharashtra) Tel./Fax :- (02382) 243855

DTE Code :- 2253, University Code :- 947, MSBTE Code :- 2041

Approved by:- Govt. of Maharashtra, PCI, New Delhi, Affiliated to:- S.R.T.M. University, Nanded, MSBTE, Mumbai.



The Department of Pharmacology at Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College (Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur was established for undergraduate studies in 2010. Pharmacology is one of the core subjects of biomedical sciences contributing remarkably to other fields of biomedical sciences. Department offers curricula in four tracks at: Diploma in pharmacy, undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. Adequate facilities are available in the department including animal quarantine to accomplish the objectives of the courses offered. Since 2015, the department has animal house approved by CPCSEA for research and conducting experiments for education purpose on small animals. Later, in 2021, the Department incorporated postgraduate course as well. Since then the department has grown by leaps and bounds in all areas that may subsequently go on to exciting research, regulatory and administrative careers in academic, industrial and healthcare provision settings. The Department of Pharmacology, main research areas are In-VivoIn-Vitro and In-Silico pharmacological methods and actively involved in executing projects related to antiulcer, arthritis, cancer, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular, psychopharmacology, neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer, Parkinson’s disorders, respiratory disease, drug delivery systems, drug interaction studies  and toxicological evaluation. In this direction, the department goal is to prepare exceptional students for productive and successful careers in pharmaceutical industry, academia, research and public sectors. 


 1. Undergraduate Pharmacology Teaching

The broad goal of teaching pharmacology to undergraduate students is to inculcate in them a rational and scientific basis of therapeutics. Also incorporate the scientific temperament related to human Physiology.

 2. Post-graduate Pharmacology teaching

The overall goal of the course is to develop expertise in the field of Pharmacology. A process of rational thinking and cogent action will be inculcated in an individual so that he/ she shall be competent to pursue various activities as demanded by the profession as Pharmacologist


  1. Undergraduate Pharmacology Teaching
  2. Describe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs
  3. List the indications, contraindications, interactions and adverse reactions of drugs.
  4. Describe the pharmacokinetic basis, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of
    common poisonings
  5. Collect, analyze and interpret the data of experiments designed for the study of effects of drugs and bioassays which are observed during the study


  1. Post-graduate Pharmacology teaching
  2. To understand pharmacology in depth with understanding of the rational use of drugs, clinical pharmacology.
  3. To acquire practical knowledge of rational use of drugs in clinical practice through integrated teaching with pre-clinical & clinical subjects.
  4. To plan and carry out both laboratory and clinical research with adherence to scientific methodology and GLP/GCP guidelines
  5. To orient students for research & developments.
  6. Introducing students to advances in teaching technology, Computer Aided Learning, internet, patent laws and procedures etc.
  7. To organize and manage administrative responsibilities for routine day to day work as well as new situations
  8. To realize the importance of team work
  9. To prepare good quality teachers.
  10. To develop attitudes required for professional responsibilities.
Name of the facultyDr. Padmaja Sidram Giram
DesignationHOD & Professor
Qualification (Specialization)M.B.A, M. Pharm (Pharmacology), PhD
Name of the DepartmentPharmacology
Date of Joining28 August 2013
Bachelor Degree(B.Pharm)May 2001
Master degree (M.Pharm)May 2003
Ph.D.June 2020
Area of ResearchNeuropathic Pain, Diabetes, 
Alzheimer’s disease,Depression
Date of Birth20/01/1980
Blood GroupAB +ve

Name: Dr. Padmaja Sidram Giram

Designation: HOD & Professor

Qualification: M.B.A, M. Pharm., PhD

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Name: Mr. Manke Mahesh Bandappa

Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: M. Pharm.

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Name: Ms. Jogdand Snehal Shankar

Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: M Pharm.

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Name: Ms. Mundhe Neha Parmeshwar

Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: M. Pharm.

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Name: Ms. Kamble Sonali Rajaram

Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.S (Pharm)

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Neuropathic Pain,
Alzheimer’s disease
Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory activity
Antifungal activity
Parkinson’s disease

The Department Faculty members has published national and international journals reputed with good impact factor and books with ISBN no to testify the quality research output of the department.







List of Instrument and Model

  • Analgesiometer
  • Actophotometter
  • Mirco Centrifuge
  • Digital Balance
  • Sherrington’s drum
  • Microscope
  • Spiro meter
  • Organ Bath (Dolphin) Chamber
  • Rota Rod
  • Stimulator
  • Heating Mental
  • Water Bath
  • Diamond BP App
  • Medtech BP Monitor
  • Model of L.S of ovary
  • Model of nervous system
  • Model of Respiratory  system
  • Model of Skeleton
  • Reproductive System
  • Skin
  • Urinary System
  • Animal Cell 
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